How to: Sugar Detox

How to: Sugar Detox

How to: Sugar Detox

We’re not talking about a special drink to "detox" your body.  Your liver and kidneys do a great job at that. By definition, a detox is a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances.  We're referring to abstaining from the highly addictive and inflammatory added sugars from your diet. 

It's no secret that consuming too much added sugar harms your overall health. Unfortunately, most Americans consume far too much added sugar in the form of soda, candy, sweetened baked goods, sugary breakfast cereals, and more. Cutting back on added sugar is important, as excessive consumption is linked to an increased risk of certain health conditions, including fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. 

We often find ourselves overindulging during the holiday season and could use a reset to stop the cyclic addiction to sugar, which is why we are offering a FREE Sugar Detox program starting Monday, January 8th, 2024.

If you answer yes to any of the following, join us for 5 days to set yourself up to feel healthy again in the new year:

  • Do you have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes?
  • Do you crave sugar and carbs?
  • Do you have high triglycerides, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol?
  • Do you experience joint/muscle pain, brain fog, memory or mood problems?

Here are some tips we'll be reviewing in our online modules and daily group sessions:

Rethink your Drink

When we drink beverages with sugar, such as a soda or flavored latte, think of it as mainlining sugar directly to your liver. You don’t feel full, so you eat more all day and you crave more sugar and carbs. It’s also the single biggest source of sugar calories in our diet.  Add berries or slices of lime, lemon, or cucumber to water.  If you’re missing fizzy drinks, add a splash of 100% juice to plain sparkling water for a refreshing, low-calorie drink.

Power Up with Protein

Protein at breakfast is key to balancing blood sugar and insulin and cutting cravings. Protein has also been shown to directly reduce food cravings. Protein helps slow digestion, promoting a feeling of fullness. Start the day with cage-free eggs, tofu scramble, or a smoothie with protein.

Fight Sugar with healthy fats

Fat makes you full, balances your blood sugar, and is necessary for fueling your cells. Along with protein, have good healthy fats at every meal and snack including nuts and seeds (which also contain protein), extra virgin olive oil, avocados, and omega-3 fats from fish.

 Be Ready for Emergencies

You never want to be in a food emergency when your blood sugar is dropping and you find yourself in a food desert such as an airport, the office, or in a maze of convenience stores, fast food joints, and vending machines. Keep an emergency stash of healthy snacks on hand such as nuts, seeds, nut butter packets, and fruit.

 Focus on Stress Management

If you are stressed, your hormones go crazy. Cortisol goes up which makes you hungry, causes belly fat storage, and leads to type-2 diabetes. Studies show that taking deep breaths activates a special nerve, called the vagus nerve, that shifts your metabolism from fat storage to fat burning and quickly moves you out of the stress state. And all you have to do is take a deep breath.

Sleep Matters 

Getting less sleep drives sugar and carb cravings by affecting your appetite hormones. In human studies, depriving college students of just two hours of the recommended eight hours of sleep led to a rise in hunger hormones, a decrease in appetite-suppressing hormones, and big cravings for sugar and refined carbs. You want more energy if you don’t sleep, so you go toward quickly absorbed sugars. Sleep is the best way to fight against the drive to overeat. You literally can sleep your cravings and your weight away.

Acknowledge the Hard Times

Journal your way through any symptoms you experience.  Rather than reacting and possibly giving in to sugar cravings, write down everything you are feeling  and try to identify the trigger.  Was it poor nutrition, hydration or stress?  Identifying the trigger can help problem-solve ways to overcome that in the future. Stay strong and remember, you can do anything for 5 days!

Small Improvements lead to Big Results

Trying to improve your health by taking on too many things at once can lead to burnout and ultimately, failure. If you're feeling overwhelmed about reducing your added sugar intake, choose one item from the list and commit to it for two weeks. Once it becomes a habit, move on to the next item and commit to it. Keep up this cycle until you have reached your added sugar intake goal.