Resolution to Routine

Resolution to Routine

Resolution to Routine

Written by: Lillian Groff, dietetic intern

With the New Year comes new goals, resolutions, and lifestyles. Many people have
goals and resolutions- ranging from cooking new foods to prioritizing sleep, eating a healthier diet that includes more fruits and vegetables, and prioritizing exercise.
When setting goals and resolutions, it is best to have a plan and tools to help you
achieve the goal you want.

1. New Behavior
Starting a new behavior can be much simpler than stopping an old behavior. 
It is important to focus on starting a new behavior such as meal
planning/prepping each week to help reach the goal of consuming a more
healthful diet. Rather than having a goal of “I will stop getting takeout every
night”. Meal planning as a new behavior can help to reach that goal of getting
takeout on a regular basis.

2. Being Realistic
Setting a realistic goal of consuming more fruits and vegetables can help you
make a change for the long term. Everyone has their journey with goals and
resolutions, and it is important to set those realistic goals that are achievable.
Meal planning can help reach a realistic goal of increasing your intake of fruits
and vegetables.

3. Identify Obstacles
Intending to eat a more healthful diet comes with identifying obstacles that may
be in place that may make it more difficult to reach your goal. This may be time
restraints of daily life such as family, activities, friends, work, and daily life
activities. These time restraints may prevent you from going to the grocery store
to get those fruits, vegetables, and nutritious ingredients; it can also prevent you
from having the time to pack your lunch each day and make dinner each night.
Meal prepping ahead of time can help to alleviate the stress of having to pack or
make dinner each day.

With a New Year’s resolution of consuming a more healthful diet Nutrition for
Longevity can help to alleviate the stress that may come with that goal. With
meal planning comes time spent cooking and going to the grocery store, but
Nutrition for Longevity can completely alleviate those tasks by providing 10-15
meals each week. The meals that Nutrition for Longevity provides include foods
that are low in added sugar, high in fiber, nutrient-dense, and protein provided
from omega-3 fish and legumes based on The Longevity Diet from Dr. Longo.
The meals come ready to eat and can be prepared in 5 minutes or less.
At Nutrition for Longevity, we have the belief that a long, healthy life begins with
what’s on your plate.

Click Here to choose from one of our meal plans and get started on your journey today!