Eat with Gratitude this Thanksgiving

Eat with Gratitude this Thanksgiving

Eat with Gratitude this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude and appreciation and allow yourself to enjoy some of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions. It can be challenging to resist the temptation of your great grandma's famous pumpkin pie or savory mashed potatoes and gravy; however, you don't have to overindulge. With some extra thought and prep, you can have a healthy Thanksgiving without missing out on your favorite dishes. If you're concerned about sticking to your health goals on this day, here are some tips to help you stay balanced and feel satisfied.

2. Start by ordering a Thanksgiving Produce Box from our Longevity Marketplace!
We'll provide all the essential produce needed to ensure a balanced meal full of fiber and phytonutrient-rich veggies delivered right to your door.  Shorten your Thanksgiving shopping list so you can spend less time at the grocery store and more time with family.  We even include recipe cards- it doesn't get easier than that!

2. Avoid skipping meals ❌
Skipping meals to "save calories" for the big meal may lead to overeating and discomfort later on. Start your day with a nutrient-rich breakfast that includes protein and fiber and feel the difference it makes in your day.  Ideas include our cinnamon vanilla chia pudding, avocado toast, or our new huevos ranchero scramble.

3. Plan accordingly 🕔
If possible, suggest a late lunch or early dinner so you can avoid a heavy meal right before bed.  The body’s internal clock, known as circadian rhythm, empowers the body to better digest food and regulate blood sugar during the day.  Aim for your last meal 3 hours before you go to bed.

4. Mindful eating is another way to enjoy your holiday meal without overeating. 🍴
Take your time and savor each bite of food. Put your fork down between bites and taste the food instead of rushing through your meal. Thinking about where the food came from, how it was prepared, and who prepared it. Notice the tastes, smells, and how the body feels after eating it.

5. Stay hydrated! 💦
Help flush out your body and alleviate bloating by keeping up with your fluids. Many Thanksgiving foods are high in sodium, so ensure you're drinking low-calorie beverages throughout the day to boost your hydration while improving meal satiety.
Try making a mocktail for your guests to enjoy.  Fill up a glass with ice, add sparkling water, a splash of cranberry juice or tart cherry juice, and garnish with a fresh rosemary sprig and fresh cranberries.

6. Start an active family tradition 🚶🏼‍♀️🎾🏈💃🏼
Adding a walk or backyard football match to your family's celebration can be a great way to build memories and burn calories. Involve everyone and aim to start a new tradition of getting active, playing, and having fun. It could even be an active video game indoors.

It's important to remember that food is meant to be enjoyed without fear or restrictions, even if you have weight or health goals. Eating for pleasure is part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle, including Thanksgiving. The holiday season is a time for celebration, so it's important to be realistic and give yourself grace. With busy schedules and so many extra temptations, this is a good time to strive for weight maintenance instead of weight loss. We wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday.  Our N4L team of dietitians will be here for support when you're ready to kickstart the new year with new goals.